
Showing posts from December, 2020

Final Opening Prep

 Next week is the start of our two week Christmas break, so I won't be working on the film or anything related to filming/creating it. It's a shame because I need to get my script done since my plans to work on it were pushed back due to other school work, but I also want to take this break to prep for when I actually film the final opening. That means cleaning up my backyard, because that's where some scenes are going to take place. Also, practicing with the editing software that I have and learning how to film stably while running, because I'm going to have to move around a lot to create the effects I have in mind.  This post is really just an update for what I have planned. I'm not really good at sticking to schedules, but I'm trying to keep a rough draft in my mind of where I'm at with this project and how much left I have to do. 

Preliminary Film: Review

 I just wanted to do a little review for my preliminary film.  To start, coming up with the idea was not too difficult. I had other things I wanted to do at first, but since I wasn't able to do them, I had to switch some things around and come up with something else to do. The idea of someone switching bodies with an animal is fun and I think a good intro to a comedy movie.  The filming took some time but it turned out well I think. I tried to get a good first shot to establish the setting and what was going on, and then went from there. My brother isn't the best actor, so it took a few tries to get certain scenes right, but they turned out well in the end. I also tried to show good transitions between the scenes and made it so that they flowed well and were easy to understand. The editing was the most challenging part because I filmed a good amount of content and had to cut some things down so that the story would still make sense but also fit into the time limit. Next t...

Preliminary Film Final

 And here it is!!!!! Cat Life

Preliminary StoryBoard

Transcript, from left to right Box 1: shot of Chris on bed Box 2: over-the-shoulder of computer screen Box 3: back to full shot on bed Box 4: overhead shot of shoes (transition) Box 5: short pan up, full shot Box 6: over-the-shoulder of snack box Box 7: close up of snack box Box 8: another transition shot of door way  Box 9: full shot of bed (he climbs in bed) Box 10: cut to zoom in on cat head Box 11: cat is in bed, not a full shot THE END

Re: Schedule

 So after talking to my teacher in class, I realized I have a lot more time to get things done than I thought. For some reason, I thought we would have to be done filming by the end of January, but we actually have more months after that, so I'm relieved. Instead of making a set schedule, I'm just going to see how things go, and try to map my progress loosely. With the preliminary film, I'm not going to be working on stuff for the main film for a few weeks, so that throws off what I had planned for the first schedule anyways.  With all this is mind, and our upcoming break, I don't think I'll have the final script done until early January. Then after that, I work on the other things I had listed and finally start filming. 

Preliminary Film Cast

 Ok so the cast of my little practice film will be my brother and my kitty, Bella. My brother is the same guy who's going to be in the final film, so he's already on the first cast list. Here's my cat Bella, who hasn't made her debut here yet: