Final Opening Prep

 Next week is the start of our two week Christmas break, so I won't be working on the film or anything related to filming/creating it. It's a shame because I need to get my script done since my plans to work on it were pushed back due to other school work, but I also want to take this break to prep for when I actually film the final opening. That means cleaning up my backyard, because that's where some scenes are going to take place. Also, practicing with the editing software that I have and learning how to film stably while running, because I'm going to have to move around a lot to create the effects I have in mind. 

This post is really just an update for what I have planned. I'm not really good at sticking to schedules, but I'm trying to keep a rough draft in my mind of where I'm at with this project and how much left I have to do. 


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