Film Composition

The composition of a film is just as important as the shots and angles. Composition is the way shots are put together in a film to convey a message.

The first rule of composition is the rule of thirds. This rule is when a director puts the characters on the frame in terms of a grid. This is more visually pleasing to the eye and can show characters that are distant or close to the audience.

The next rules are balance and leading lines. These rules both draw the audiences eyes to a particular part of the frame, by putting characters in the center or creating a line for the audiences eyes to follow.

Then there’s a level framing, which puts the audience at the eye level of the character so we feel equal to them.

The last two are depth of field and deep space focus. Depth of field is how the camera sharpens or goes blurry to emphasize on what the focus is. Deep space focus is also related to focus but instead of blurriness, multiple characters can be on the same frame but are different lengths away from the camera to indicate who is the focus.,to%20convey%20an%20intended%20message.


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