Reflection #2

 How do the elements of your production work together to create a sense of branding?

Reflection #2


I think the element I used the most is jump cuts within the scenes. I tried to show a progression of time using multiple shots to build the scene, instead of using a few long takes. I do have a longer take compared to the rest near the end, but other than that, every scene is cut pretty heavily to show multiple things happening within the scene in a sort of fast paced manner. I used this to show Miles does a lot during his day and there's a lot going on, except at the end when he's just sitting and we're listening to his thoughts. But, I think this created a good branding for me that can be also seen in my preliminary film, because I find it more effective to use multiple cuts instead of a few long takes for a film. I just think it shows a little more, a little more of what's going on in the scene versus just, like, one take following one character. I just thought that was more dynamic. 


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