General Representation

Before I made a survey for my film, I researched representation in media. Equal representation is important because it breaks negative stereotypes of minority groups that have been withheld for a long time. People of different cultures grow up with certain mindsets that are built on what they see in the media. Most of the time, different cultures don't connect much on a personal level, so people don't really know much about cultures outside of their own, aside from whatever stereotypes they see on TV. That's why it's vital to equally and accurately represent everyone, to lower the amount of misinformation spread, and promote diversity and acceptance of others. 

It's also important because everyone, especially younger audiences, want to see people who look, act, and grew up in similar situations to them in the media. A lot of kids would feel less isolated from the people around them, or in general if they knew that there are other people in the world like them. It promotes a positive outlook for the audience because seeing someone similar to yourself on TV will boost your self esteem and let you know that it's ok to be who you are.


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