
 So I don't know for sure when our projects are supposed to be done, so I didn't want to make a set schedule just in case I had to change things, but I did start planning some stuff to do while I wait to get info from my teacher. 

I also need to have Christopher record the voice over for the opening. Instead of having him talk to himself out loud, it would be much more realistic to have a voice over of his inner thoughts, so I'm going to make a script for that.

I have to shoot the video first before I can get him to record it, because it won't all be said at the same time, so I need to know when he needs to stop, take deep breaths, etc etc. 

I feel like this isn't too much work to do as long as I pace myself accordingly, plus, I'm really excited to actually start getting some work done, so I have the energy for it. 


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