New Ideas

Ok! So everything I said in the last blog about having a car scene and building an idea around that has been scrapped! I've been doing some more soul searching these past few days, and I've also evaluated my situation, and came up with a new plot. 

First, I can't really do a car scene because my mom is always using her car for work and my friends live too far away, so it would be a hassle for them to drive to my house everyday to shoot. I still want to do an outside scene though, so I thought about it and decided to just use my brother. He's going to be the main star in this coming of age running film. The premise is: a young athlete who's struggling his school life, his running career, and another dark secret. The film opening will show a progression of his day and how he spirals mentally. I also want there to be sort of a jump scare type of moment at the end, to hint at a bit of mystery. 

I have big hopes and plans for this film. I really like the plot I came up with, and my brother agreed to star in the film and help me out throughout the process. 


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