Women in Film

Women are a minority in film. In terms of representation, women have historically been played as the weaker characters. Most of the time, they're there to be eye candy or to hang off the male lead's arm. If not, they are helpless creatures who can't protect themselves and must be saved by the male hero. Even behind the scenes, there are a lot less female directors than there is male. But, these past years, there has been many strides to change this. There are movies like "Booksmart" that came out this year that have female leads who's entire plot don't revolve around falling in love. In the "Avengers" franchise, there's a female lead, Black Widow, who's getting her own movie soon. Although women in the past were mainly given insignificant, sometimes even degrading roles, things are slowly changing for the better as more people demand for gender diversity in media. 

image credit: thewrap.com


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