
Showing posts from March, 2021

Final Film

 And here is the finished work. I tried my best to convey my idea and make it so that it seems like an interesting enough setup for a full film. Enjoy!  Runner's High

Raw Video

 This is a raw version of my final product, it doesn’t have the opening establishing shots nor does it have the voice over. It also has a few shots that are different from the final product, just because I wanted to include them to see if they fit better, but I don’t think they do so I won’t use them.

Shower Scene Practice

Even though this take and the final take don't seem like they have much of a difference, I was really debating on which one to use. This one involves the camera moving, and the other one doesn't, and the lighting is a little different. In the end, I decided to use the other one, because I think the still camera is better aesthetically since my shots beforehand were all still, but I also wanted to show this little practice anyways.

Voiceover Practice

 Just a little snippet of the practice my brother and I were doing for the voiceover. To be honest, he isn't the best at putting emotion in his voice and making it seem super convincing, but I think it's enough for what I need. Next time I do something like this though, I'll definitely ask someone else.

Transition Practice

 I tired to do the time jump that I wanted to do after Miles is crying. This was just a test, in my head it supposed to be a quick transition (less than 5 seconds maybe) so this one is definitely too long. Its good practice though, because now I now to speed up a bit when filming or trim it during the editing.

Storyboard Pt. 2

Transcript: First Box: the camera does a slow pan up of his body, ends on his head Second Box: horizontal running shot Third Box: zoomed in shot of his feet while running by Fourth Box: a shot from behind as he runs Fifth Box: the running stops, his head goes out of frame as he falls over Last Box: overhead shot of him sprawled out on the ground